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The Sustainability Champion Award has been created by the BII, and is awarded to those in the industry who have gone above and beyond to demonstrate their commitment to running a sustainable business.

Click on any of the links below to read about the incredible work our champions are doing to build an eco-friendly future that's better for pubs, people and the planet.

My Yorkshire Pubs
My Yorkshire Pubs are a collection of fantastic venues in…Yorkshire! From sports to live music, karaoke and great value food and drink, there is something for everyone. Like so many pubs, they are not just looking after their customers, they are caring for the environment, making changes to all of their venues to make them more sustainable, for the future of the planet, and the pub!

Having been conscious of the importance of reducing waste, saving energy and educating their teams, Chris Windle, who owns and runs the business, started to make changes nearly ten years ago. His aim was to recycle 100% of their waste, sending nothing to landfill. All food waste and packaging is sorted and recycled for separate collections – even when refurbishing venues, they sold or upcycled furniture.

The usual quick wins in terms of installing LED lighting were a must, and over multiple pubs, the energy savings over the years equate to thousands of pounds, but Chris and the team were determined to do more.

Installing Beer Tech cellar cooling equipment 2 years ago meant that the cellars are now kept at optimum temperatures, switching off when not needed and kicking in if they were too warm. Python remote coolers helped achieve more efficiencies, as has the Flowmaster system for reducing waste in their line cleaning, and timers for their back bar fridges.

These tech installations pay for themselves in energy savings very quickly, but the real key to the success of My Yorkshire Pubs sustainability has been in engaging with their teams and making simple, but highly effective changes. 

Firing up the kitchens later in the morning, and only as needed, turning fridges down a degree or two, investing in multiple collections for glass, cardboard, food waste and cooking oil, are just some of the plans put into place, with staff at all of the pubs encouraged to reduce, reuse and recycle wherever possible.

Working closely with Greene King across their tenanted pubs and their Hive sites, Chris gets waste collected at the same time they have deliveries of stock to the pubs, meaning 50% less journeys are made, saving fuel and time.

Sustainability is key in any business, but the cost, time and energy savings made have not only given the team more money to invest in their pubs, but have also had an incredibly positive effect on their local and global environments. Congratulations to Chris and the whole team at My Yorkshire Pubs for their brilliant efforts and becoming BII Sustainability Champions!


You can view each pub's website below:

You can view the My Yorkshire Pubs website here.

The Millpool - Coventry
The Millpool, located in Coventry, is a traditional local with hand-pulled ales, a British pub menu, regular meal deals and beer garden.

Licensee, John Carey, has been key to the move towards a sustainable future for the pub, ensuring that greener initiatives are always at the forefront of his thinking when making the decisions regarding this local favourite.
Some key changes made by John and the wider team include using energy saving bulbs, an insulated roof and promoting recycling by ensuring that the relevant bins are in place.

Lowering the carbon footprint of the pub has also been imperative for John. One of the ways he has done this is by promoting veganism through his menu options. The Millpool is now known for having some of the best vegan choices and options in the local area.

Food waste is another area that is managed closely by John and the team. Menu design is reviewed regularly, and food ordered in from local suppliers always has to be of the correct quantity.

Having his team on board has been key for John and The Millpool’s success, with regular catch ups put in place with all staff. Team meetings are very transparent and the impact of energy reduction measures on both the bottom-line profit and loss, and the environment, is always clearly stated.

When quizzed on how important it is to lead on a sustainable future in the local community, John does not downplay how much environmentally friendly operations mean to him:

“On a broader level it is absolute vital. With climate change affecting the whole world we all have to do our part. It’s the only way we can tackle or reduce it.

“On a local level, whilst it helps the business financially, it is about genuinely caring about the environment and the people who you serve locally. It is so important to keep learning ourselves and educating those around us. It’s all about education to create a greener and safer environment we live in. It all starts locally and hopefully that will have a ripple effect and spread the good work and influence.”

We are delighted to recognise this country favourite and award them with BII Sustainability Champion status.

You can view The Millpool website
Moon and Sixpence - Clevedon
The Moon and Sixpence is one of the most popular pubs in Clevedon. Situated in a prime seafront position looking out over the Bristol Channel and facing Clevedon's famous Victorian Pier, spectacular sunsets can be witnessed from the pub balcony offering some of the best views in Clevedon or from our outside eating and drinking areas.

A welcoming, popular bar, restaurant and hotel offering a range of accommodation and entertainment as well as great pub food, The Moon & Sixpence has implemented a number of sustainable initiatives to drive the pub towards a more sustainable future.

Tony Antoni heads up operations at the pub and it is he who has helped to introduce a greener feel to operations across a number of different areas at the venue.

Timers and/or sensors have been placed on both lighting and equipment to ensure that they are only on when necessary. Food waste is also now composted and sent away to SUEZ, a waste management company.

Furthermore, carbon footprint and sustainable procurement are both incredibly important to Tony and there are few that could say that they generate less miles than him at The Moon & Sixpence, with all of their foods delivered from local farms and butchers located within 12 miles of the venue.

The pub’s sustainability agenda is constantly reviewed in team meetings, with Tony insisting that he has full buy in from all his staff. All but one of the team currently walk to work, with this actively encouraged across the business.

Sustainable changes have meant cost saving on utilities for Tony and the team, along with an increased community feel. We are delighted to add them to our ever-growing list of sustainability champion and hope that the local and wider community follow their efforts closely.

You can view The Moon & Sixpence website
The Exchange - Newcastle
One of Newcastle's 'hidden gems', The Exchange, is Newcastle's 1930s themed 'speakeasy'. With lots of quirky features, including a hidden doorway and a menu devoted to notorious gangsters, The Exchange is sure to make you feel like you have taken a step back in time.

Andrena Smith-Bowes, licensee at The Exchange, has been key in implementing sustainable change at this quirky and alternative but much-loved venue.

Energy reduction is key for sustainable success, and Andrena has really drummed this into the staff. The commitment to sustainability can be seen in the bar’s appliances, with LED lighting, smart thermostats and energy monitoring technology all common place throughout the venue. This enables The Exchange to be as efficient as possible, while also allowing Andrena to make data-informed decisions on actions to undertake with future sustainability-related decisions.

Waste-reduction has also been successful for Andrena and the team. Recycling programmes are now widely used by all, while the food menus have been changed to reduce waste. This consists of customers clarifying whether they would like to include side salads with their orders. Andrena has found further innovation in low carbon dishes, with an increase in plant-based menu items and a reduction in meat-based products.

Andrena insists that everyone needs to help if The Exchange is to create a sustainable future in the local community, with customer & team engagement a key feature of operations. Sustainable transportation is heavily promoted, with customers and staff encouraged to use public transportation, bike or walk to the pub and provided with incentives such as discounts or rewards should they complete this successfully.

We are extremely pleased to add The Exchange to our ever-growing list of Sustainability Champions and look forward to seeing their outstanding work continue in the future.

You can view The Exchange website
The Assembly Inn - Bath
A hotspot for televised sport, The Assembly Inn is the premier sports bar of the Abbey Ales family. Located on Alfred Street, off Lansdown Road, north of Bath City Centre, The Assembly Inn offers four large screen TVs and projector, including Amazon Prime for the football. With an additional two pool tables and a secret courtyard garden, there is something for everyone in this local favourite.

Jenny Brown heads up operations at The Assembly Inn and has been the driving force behind the introduction of sustainable initiatives across a number of different areas including energy and waste reduction methods, sustainable procurement, and customer & team engagement.

When it comes to energy reduction, the installation of smart thermostats has brought about huge success for The Assembly Inn. Namely, the HIVE system which has been recently installed to control the heating and water and ensure that the premises are well insulated.

Sustainable procurement is a key area for many pubs, but as a wet-led pub Jenny and the team source sustainable and locally produced drinks for use in their menus. This means that the mileage of their products is reduced as much as possible, doing wonders for their carbon footprint. Most of the real ales sold at the pub come from the local Bath brewery, which Jenny owns.

Finally, all staff are encouraged to walk or cycle to work at The Assembly Inn, with Jenny keen to promote greener transportation wherever possible.
We are delighted to recognise the work of Jenny and the team at The Assembly Inn and award them with BII Sustainability Champion status.

You can view The Assembly Inn website

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