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The Dog and Partridge - Stockport
Situated in Stockport, South Manchester, The Dog and Partridge offers a warm welcome to all, serving food daily with a wide range of ales and lagers.

The Licensee, Karen, who is popular with the locals, has implemented several changes to operations which have set the pub on the path towards a sustainable future.

Waste reduction has been the key factor in sustainable success for Karen, with many of her changes coming on this front. A number of recycling programmes are now commonplace at the pub, with all recyclable waste separated into glass, general recycling, and food waste bins. Bins are clearly labelled in different areas to ensure that staff put the correct waste in the correct bin.

Karen has also placed an emphasis on refilling chemicals and liquids from larger bottles, rather than buying small, singly-use bottles. This ensures there is less waste, and the same container can be used over again.

Sustainable procurement is another key area of Karen’s sustainable operations at The Dog and Partridge. Ingredients for both the food and drink offering at the pub are sourced from sustainable and local suppliers, while some is also grown in the garden of the venue. Additionally, although the garden area at the pub is large and well kept, Karen has elected to leave certain areas for wildlife and birds, aiming to attract as many different species and insects as possible.

We are delighted to recognise Karen and the team at The Dog and Partridge with Sustainability Champion status.

You can view The Dog and Partridge’s website here.

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