The BII has proudly launched its network of independent Accredited Advisors. 

It is essential that our members get independent, expert advice as they face critical decisions for their businesses, especially with major commercial lifecycle events: entering into formal agreements with landlords, where conditions in agreements are substantially changing and when considering sizeable capital investments in their businesses. 


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Download our Accredited Advisor leaflet here

The BII has facilitated the creation of independent expert panels to accredit professional advisors for the licensed trade for Chartered Surveyors, Accountants & Solicitors.  The expert panels, formed of leading professionals in their respective fields have set the accreditation criteria, overseen the appointment of accredited advisors against these criteria and will review any complaints which may ultimately result in formal removal of the accreditation from advisors.  An independent Governance board made up of the Chairs of the three expert panels will ensure the accreditation scheme is delivered effectively and deal with any appeals from the independent expert panels.

The accreditation scheme has been designed to provide trusted professional advisors for licensees who meet the highest standards of professionalism, have full liability insurance, the appropriate skills & expertise and industry experience.  This will ensure licensees get effective business advice allowing them to start, protect and develop their businesses with confidence.

Fiona Dickie, Pubs Code Adjudicator commented:
“I welcome this industry initiative and I’m pleased to see participating pub-owning businesses seeking to ensure tenants, and prospective tenants, receive good quality professional advice. This advice can be key to tenants using their Code rights successfully throughout their tenancy – including before they sign on the dotted line”.